Do you suffer from insomnia?
Poor sleep is a silent epidemic that often doesn’t get spoken about.
In my consulting practice, it would be close to every second or third client that would share with me their sleeping troubles.
Sleep deprivation can be torturous and you can begin to feel like the walking dead yet with the ever-increasing demands of modern life we tend to just push through and learn to live with it.
Poor sleep quality may be linked to:
- Weight gain.
- Depression (this one is no surprise to me as the constant exhaustion could have a taxing effect on the most optimistic of minds).
- Elevated cortisol levels (stress).
- Accelearted ageing.
- Increased susceptibility to colds and flus.
Some of the conversations I have with my clients are:
“I am so exhausted yet when it comes to sleep time I am wide awake.”
“I can get to sleep, but I wake up multiple times through the night.”
“I can get to sleep, but I have to wake up and go to the toilet all of the time.”
“I get to sleep but then I wake up at 2-3 am and then can’t fall back to sleep.”
I believe the majority of adults don’t get enough sleep on a consistent basis or they get enough but wake up feeling exhausted.
Being tired can also create addictions and potentially more severe problems over time.
And we can often lead to believe that is normal to sleep less with age.
Or if you are a parent then you may have been programmed to wake up with the slightest noise throughout the night.
And my answer to this is always NO. You deserve to sleep well at any age and you may be able to retrain your body and your mind to do so.
All you need is an effective plan.
I Know Only Too Well The Exhaustion Associated With Insomnia
Having suffered with chronic insomnia that just hit me out of the blue at aged 27 I know only to well how it feels to be chronically sleep deprived.
One night I started to not sleep after never having a problem with sleep. I used to be down for the count as soon as my head hit the pillow.
This then became the new pattern I would be tired, frazzled but I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep and there were times where I would be treading the boards until 3am in the morning.
It was horrible and hugely stressful and debilitating.
This went on for months and I tried everything and this led me to find a solution on how to treat sleep issue properly. There is no magic pill, or supplement your insomnia will be multi factorial just like mine was.
Today, I have no trouble sleeping and I really want this for you as well.*
The method I use to help clients with insomnia is, effective and safe.
How Can I Help Create Change For You?
My personal mission is to reach and help as many people as possible. Here are 3 ways to get started working with me for FREE.
Download my “7-day Jumpstart to more energy and vitality.” This will help get you started on your journey. The plan starts by identifying foods that are known disruptors of good digestive health.
Join my free webinar series. Here you will learn all about preventative health and the key issues like stress, gut health, allergies, hormonal imbalance, mindset and genetics.
I would love you to schedule a 1:1 session where we can work together to design a blueprint for you to experience a positive change in your overall health and vitality.