
How are you travelling?
I trust you delved into your 3 actions yesterday, as doing so would have taken only a few short minutes.
If you did then you know how inspired you become when you connect to your whys and heart space. How amazingly powerful it is to really get your motivation and how this just makes everything become so effortless.
If you didn’t complete yesterday’s action then dive in straight away.
Day 2 – Switch on your metabolism
Protein is the building block to a fat burning metabolism. Basically, when you eat adequate (notice how I am not saying extra) your body releases a hormone called glucagon, which switches on fat burning.
I am not encouraging a high protein plan. Most sit down to a bowl of muesli, cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and then a massive piece of meat for dinner. This is too much protein in one sitting and will eventually get stored as fat.
As a rough guide aim for 100-120gms protein with each meal and half that for snacks.
Good sources are;
- chicken
- fish
- eggs
- meat
- turkey
- duck
- whey, legume and rice protein are the next best along with natural yoghurt.
A note about getting results
One way to guarantee NO results over the week is to keep your mind closed and think to yourself “I have heard all this before”
If you are already doing some of the actions that I am recommending well done keep going, however I encourage you to adopt everything that I am suggesting and keep a mind open that is eager to learn.
I ask you to trust in the process and me as the week is about a layering and building process.
Picking and choosing what you are going to do and not do will not get you results.
Aim for 30mins of exercise: Aim to train at a level of about 70% effort. You should be a little out of breath.
This can be a brisk walk, or light jog, or going for a bike ride or skipping at home.
Success note: Remember to do each action task in the right sequence. If you didn’t complete yesterday’s actions then now is the time to complete.
If you’re ready to take action now and want to take this to another level then why not get started working with my team for free and schedule a 1:1 session where they can work with you to design a blueprint for you to experience a positive change in your overall health and vitality.
I look forward to connecting with you further.
You can read more about me and what qualifies me to do this work over here.
To vibrant health,
Victoria O’Sullivan
How Can I Help Create Change For You?
My personal mission is to reach and help as many people as possible. Here are 3 ways to get started working with me for FREE.
Download my “7-day Jumpstart to more energy and vitality.” This will help get you started on your journey. The plan starts by identifying foods that are known disruptors of good digestive health.
Join my free webinar series. Here you will learn all about preventative health and the key issues like stress, gut health, allergies, hormonal imbalance, mindset and genetics.
I would love you to schedule a 1:1 session where we can work together to design a blueprint for you to experience a positive change in your overall health and vitality.