Right now I am so so grateful.
How come?
Because you have decided to place your trust in us and join our tribe of health focused people who are wanting to look and feel even better than they do right now.
So a very big warm welcome to you.
Here are the details of your next 7 days of the Look Good, Feel Great, Boost Your Metabolism Challenge.
The following 7 days will be filled with tips that we use with our face to face clients at our clinic and the results for our one on one clients are nothing short of transformational in as little as 1 week.
This 7-day teaser is also an opportunity for you to have an introduction into our philosophy of wellness and what you can expect from me and my team on health and nutrition including how to switch on your metabolism into fat burning along with exercise tips.
You will also receive strategies on how to deal with the crazy “head trash” that we all have that stops us from getting the results in life that we are looking for.
I know you know what I mean by this one as we all at some stage have procrastinated, self sabotaged or even just gotten to lazy about things.
Over the next 7 days you will receive an email from me with your daily action steps.
Remember to just go ahead and jump straight in.
You will also receive my frequent newsletter which is jam packed with my latest blog articles, success stories, case studies and tips to keep on achieving your health goals.
You will even get the occasional give away and special offer.
Enough or all this now lets dive straight into Day 1 of the Look good, feel great, boost your metabolism challenge.
Why not invite a friend to join you. Just share this link on Facebook or your favourite social media site.
Firstly, some housekeeping. If you have any techie issues in receiving emails at any stage then please email us at info@victoriaosullivan.com.au
The next 7 days is about getting to the heart of the food, mind and lifestyle habits that will give you instant results.
Day 1: Let’s roll out this baby.
If fast results are what you are looking for which I know is why you are here then I really need you to rock the next 3 things.
Go grab a book or journal so you can keep track of your progress.
Get clear on your BIG HAIRY WHY.
If you are really clear on why it is an absolute must for you to do this then all the hows will take care of themselves. Just thinking that you would like to reduce your weight or have more energy is not enough to spring you into action. You need to get clear and specific.
Create a compelling enough WHY that will drive you to SUCCESS
Write it down.Grab your journal and write down 3 specific reasons why you have decided to join the Look Good, Feel Great, Boost Your Metabolism Challenge.
Get really into how you are going to feel as a result of doing this, the state of being that you want to create. For example I want to feel more confident, energetic and have a sense of pride.
Get clear about what the outcome looks like.
Write down what you want to achieve by the end of week 1.
For example feeling less bloated, waking up refreshed and ready to go in the morning, better sleep at night, starting to lose weight.
Take stock of where you are at NOW.
Write down your current stats. This is an absolute must (“what gets tested and measured improves on”) you need for motivation your before and after’s. Imagine in 1 weeks time if you can actually see the change in photos and in centimetres and in your clothing.
Grab your phone and take a photo of your current now. (I know this is uncomfortable just remember no one needs to know about it. It is your little tiny secret). Take the photo in something like your lycra or shorts.
As your journey progresses you will be so grateful that you did.
Record your waist measurement, thighs, and chest.
It’s time to Exercise.
You may or may not be currently exercising.
If you are, well done on creating an essential habit of being healthy and fit over the week I would encourage you to take stock of your current routine.
Are you doing enough?
Is it challenging enough for you? The thing with fitness is it is an ongoing work in progress the fitter you become the higher the bar/intensity needs to be raised.
If you know deep down that you could be training at a higher intensity then make that commitment to adjust your training over the week to yourself.
If exercise is not already a habit for you, then let’s get you started.
Grab your diary and diarise over the next 7 days when you will be doing your exercise. If your schedule permits over the week I would encourage you to commit to exercising daily even if it is just a short walk in the beginning.
Remember it is only 7 days and I really want you to get the results you deserve. It may mean you have to get up a little earlier or deal with bad weather but the pay off will be well worth it.
Aim for 30 mins daily I find the best time is in the morning as I often feel the day can get away from me.
So, tomorrow when the alarm goes off just tell yourself “that you are going to the loo” once you are up you will be at ‘em.
Stay tuned for nutrition and exercise tips.
Before we sign off make sure you have done the above now even if you have done them in the past or recently. Do not put it off until tomorrow.
Because what do we know to be true about tomorrow? Or later?
(It never comes)
Now is the time to start, remember what drove you to sign up to this challenge and commit to yourself that now is the time to make the change.
As change can happen now once you have made the decision and burned the bridge on anything else!
This program is effective only when you follow the daily steps.
Each task has its purpose, in sharpening the mind and spirit to stay focused on the big WHY.
If you’re ready to take action now and want to take this to another level then why not get started working with my team for free and schedule a 1:1 session where we can work together to design a blueprint for you to experience a positive change in your overall health and vitality.
I look forward to connecting with you further.
You can read more about me and what qualifies me to do this work over here.
To vibrant health,
Victoria O’Sullivan
How Can I Help Create Change For You?
My personal mission is to reach and help as many people as possible. Here are 3 ways to get started working with me for FREE.
Download my “7-day Jumpstart to more energy and vitality.” This will help get you started on your journey. The plan starts by identifying foods that are known disruptors of good digestive health.
Join my free webinar series. Here you will learn all about preventative health and the key issues like stress, gut health, allergies, hormonal imbalance, mindset and genetics.
I would love you to schedule a 1:1 session where we can work together to design a blueprint for you to experience a positive change in your overall health and vitality.